Monday, July 25, 2011

#1 Obsession = My daughter

Ever since the day I found out I was pregnant, I have been obsessed with this child.  Worrying about every possible thing that could go wrong, making sure I was ready, ate the right things, exercised and stayed healthy, that my husband was name it, I worried about it.  We never found out what we were having (boy or girl).  We wanted it to be a surprise.  When they put this precious baby girl in my arms I knew my life would never be the same.

I know how important the early childhood years are (you see, I have a masters degree in it and also more than 20 years in the business of educating young children).  Would I do it right?  Would I screw her up the way my parents screwed me up?  I read every parenting magazine, book, I was cramming for a test.  Parenting is a test just won't know how you did until it's too late!  How I'm doing as a mother is my constant worry and obsession.  That will never go away.  I may not get it right all the time....but man am I TRYING!